K1 Kaxe Retooled
Disc type: Midrange
Flight numbers: 6/5/0/2
The retooled Kaxe is an updated version of the original disc. Being too close to the Kaxe Z we decided to take the best from both discs and present a Kaxe which is exactly as we want it to be. The king of the middle section on the flight chart. It's easy to shape for mid-power shots, and it will solve your problems on both short and longer distances.
Suitable for:
Control shots, forehand shots, 1-disc rounds.

Are you unsure? call us or visit one of our stores.
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Välkommen till Ugglansdiscgolf.se – din destination för allt som rör discgolf! Vi brinner för sporten och strävar efter att skapa en plattform som förenar spelare på alla nivåer, från nybörjare till erfarna proffs...